Criminal Law


We offer advise and representation in a number of criminal matters such as, Fraud, white collar crime, sexual offences.  Our interest and effort are centred on the best outcome for the client under the circumstances.


We do not undertake road traffic offences and mostly deal with indictable only offences, the offences which are triable in the Crown Court and mostly before a jury. We also deal with the criminal cases which have been initiated in civil courts. However, we only deal with the cases where either legal aid is not available or the where the clients choose not to seek legal aid. This is so because we are not a legally aided firm.  However, we strongly recommend that you first carefully consider whether you really need to privately fund your case and why would you not benefit from legal aid.  Once we are satisfied that you can fund your case and that you are making this decision on fully informed basis, you will have to provide the evidence of source of funding to satisfy the AML requirements.


Once accepted, we will aim to provide you the best service focusing on your best interests and leave no stone unturned to achieve the best results for you.